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Outernet Londons Mesmerizing Butterfly Trail Experience

Outernet London's Mesmerizing Butterfly Trail Experience

Immerse Yourself in the Extraordinary Realm of Butterflies

Marvel at the World's First Mixed Reality Trail

Prepare for an awe-inspiring immersion into the captivating world of butterflies at Outernet London's groundbreaking Mixed Reality Butterfly Trail. Located at the heart of Central London, this extraordinary experience awaits your exploration, promising an unforgettable encounter with these vibrant creatures.

The trail offers a unique blend of virtual and physical elements, allowing you to witness the beauty of butterflies up close and personal. Engage in interactive experiences, where you can gently hold a butterfly on the tip of your finger, marvel at their intricate wings, and learn fascinating facts about their delicate lives.

This free-of-charge experience is accessible to all, so gather your loved ones and embark on a captivating journey through the magical world of butterflies. No tickets are required; simply visit The Now Building every day and immerse yourself in the wonder of the Outernet Butterfly Trail.
