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Freedom Of Information Act Request Form Ohio

Filing a Public Records Request in Ohio: A Guide

Understanding the Open Records Law

Ohio's Open Records Law (R.C. 149.43 et seq.) grants citizens the right to access public records from government agencies. The law requires agencies to make public records available for inspection and copying upon request.

Making a Request Under the Open Records Law

If the information you seek is not publicly available, you can submit a Public Records Request to the agency's designated FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Office.

Steps to Make a Request:

  1. Download the Public Records Request Template.
  2. Provide a clear description of the records you are requesting.
  3. Specify the format you prefer (e.g., paper copies, electronic files).
  4. Submit the request to the agency's FOIA Office.

Exceptions to the Open Records Law

While most public records are subject to disclosure under the Open Records Law, certain exceptions apply, including: * Records that are specifically exempted by law (e.g., medical records, law enforcement investigations) * Records that are protected by attorney-client privilege * Records that would jeopardize a person's safety or privacy

School Districts and the Open Records Law

School districts in Ohio are subject to the Open Records Law. However, they may receive requests for records that cite the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). While the Ohio Open Records Law is more comprehensive than FOIA, school districts must comply with both laws.


The Ohio Open Records Law empowers citizens to access public records and hold government agencies accountable. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively make public records requests and ensure transparency and accountability in government.
